National Center for Women’s Health

The National Center for Women’s Health (NCWH) located in Omaha, Nebraska provides NaProTECHNOLOGY medical and surgical services. Since 1985, the NCWH has served patients from throughout the United States and several foreign countries.

Under the direction of Thomas W. Hilgers, developer of NaProTECHNOLOGY, the NCWH is at the forefront of NaProTechnology services.

The professionals at the National Center for Women’s Health offer scientifically and medically sound approaches to reproductive and gynecologic care which are not generally available in other areas.

For more information on the research and services of the National Center for Women’s Health and Saint Paul VI Institute, please visit us at the Saint Paul VI Institute website.


The National Center for Women’s Health provides cooperative medical and surgical treatments
with the Creighton Model FertilityCare™ System, NaProTechnology, and Pelvioplasty.

  • Tens of thousands of patients from all 50 states (and many countries) have received our renowned
    reproductive healthcare services in Omaha.
  • Over 4,000 ovulation cycles have been studied by ultrasound at the Institute, which is more than any other single program in the world.
  • The National Hormone Laboratory specializes in assays of nearly every reproductive hormone based on standardized Creighton Model charting.
  • The development of Pelvioplasty, a surgical procedure that eliminates, for the most part, the scar tissue that forms following surgery done in the removal of endometriosis. The Saint Paul VI Institute has now become the “Home of Pelvioplasty.”

Education and Research

Since 1976, our research has explored new methods for treating infertility and other women’s health conditions — including over 238 professional books, book chapters, poster sessions, articles, videos, and countless presentations.

  • Over 30 obstetrician-gynecologists have been trained through the St. John Paul the Great
    12-month Fellowship in Medical & Surgical NaProTechnology.
  • Thousands of Practitioners, Supervisors, Educators, and Medical Consultant physicians from all 50 states and six continents have been trained through the Allied Health Education Program.