The Fake and Deceptive Science Behind Roe. v. Wade

“The Fake and Deceptive Science Behind Roe v. Wade” is the groundbreaking new book by Saint Paul VI Institute founder and director Dr. Thomas W. Hilgers.
Since the Supreme Court’s infamous decision in 1972, our schools and healthcare institutions have abandoned the Hippocratic Oath and the Declaration of Geneva and replaced it with a policy of lethalism. This is a direct result of the Court’s acceptance and promotion of archaic scientific reasoning (Roe v. Wade) that, at best, would be considered pre-medieval and clearly out of touch with scientific reality. Fallout includes the expansion into fetal experimentation, human cloning, embryonic stem cell research, infanticide, and even physician-assisted suicide programs. The respect for life ethic has slowly been removed as the Supreme Court has so strongly supported the “lethalism becomes a way of life” ethic. Especially interesting is the lack of support for any positive solutions to these issues.
The Medical & Surgical Practice of NaProTECHNOLOGY

Topics include:
- Targeted hormone assessment of the menstrual cycle.
- Sonographic classification of human ovulation disorders.
- Evaluation and treatment of premenstrual syndrome, postpartum depression, ovarian cysts, and unusual bleeding.
- Applications in infertility evaluation and treatment (and its effectiveness), osteoporosis, cancer detection, follicular and luteal phase deficiencies, and thyroid system dysfunction.
- Effects of hypothalamic-pituitary-ovarian dysfunction, endometriosis, polycystic ovarian disease, pelvic adhesive disease, amenorrhea, and anovulation.
- Perinatal applications: progesterone use during pregnancy, preventing preterm birth, evaluating and treating recurrent spontaneous abortion, and diagnostic laparoscopy.
- Surgical techniques for endometriosis, pelvic adhesions, uterine leiomyomata, ovarian wedge resection, and tubal occlusions.
Their Own Words: Women Healed

Edited by Jean Blair Packard
Physician comments by Thomas W. Hilgers, M.D.
This book is filled with the testimonies of fifty women (and their husbands) whose lives have been enriched by the medical care at the National Center for Women’s Health. The anecdotes draw the reader into the lives of women and men who have received help through the Creighton Model FertilityCare™ System and NaProTECHNOLOGY.
An Insider’s Look at the War on Women

This collection of 17 case histories from the National Center for Women’s Health depict the real-life struggle of women who seek real choices in their health care and fertility. Stories include:
- The Media‘s Cover-Up
- She‘s Taking Testosterone!?
- Why is it so Dark Outside?
- She Will be Retarded!
- I Have Adhesions Around my Ovaries and My Liver?
- Physician-Induced Miscarriage
- There‘s Nothing We Can Do
- They Don‘t Want to Make a Diagnosis!
- Now You Can Feel Like You are a Part of This
- My Cesarean Section Caused What?
- I Want to get Pregnant and You Tied my Tubes?
- They Mocked my Moral Beliefs
- The Teenage Girl and Menstrual Cramps
- Emergency Room Visits for Pelvic Pain
- I Don‘t have a Uterus or Ovaries?
- My IUD Is Where?
- Can I Call 911?
Blinders: The destructive, downstream impact of contraception, abortion, and IVF

Over the last 50 or 60 years, there has appeared a directional shift in the medical and social culture of the United States. We see it in the news programs every night, sometimes several times a night. Often there are generic reasons given for these changes such as “poverty and hopelessness.” But could there be other reasons? Could the medical profession be playing an important role in the violence and destructiveness of this cultural shift? Has there been any critical self-examination by the medical profession which usually demands evidence-based conclusions to be assessed? Or are there some questions that are too difficult for individuals to investigate, not because it’s impossible to investigate them, but because it can be painful and because the attitudes of a collective group of colleagues may be preventing these questions from being asked. It is as if we have BLINDERS on!
This book makes an attempt to address some new questions that have rarely been asked but should be. This book takes an objective look at data that has been produced by mostly government-based statistical gathering systems, some published in peer-reviewed medical journals and even some in news reports.
Reproductive Anatomy & Physiology: A Primer for FertilityCare™ Professionals (Second Edition)

A great introductory manual to reproductive anatomy and physiology! This book contains more than 200 figures, tables, and graphs as well as 37 full-color figures. Topics include a look into the history of the natural means to regulate fertility, ovulation and the hormones of the menstrual cycle, biology of the cervix and cervical mucus, infertility, contraception and methods of induced abortion, and much more!